Tuesday 12 May 2015

Reasons to Why Newspaper Ads and Yellow Pages Do Not Work Anymore

We are in a digital era at the same time we’re in economic times where we have to evaluate the way we are supposed to do business. The way business was conducted a decade ago is totally different from the way business is being transacted nowadays. Competition is stiff and if you have a business or providing services to customers, you have to come up with ways to fight. The use of newspaper ads and yellow pages ads which were rampart are now obsolete because they are not being utilized as they were before. In this article, we are going to look at some of the factors that have largely contributed to the use of newspaper ads and yellow pages ads to diminish.

Low Supply of Newspapers

If you’re a business person and you are still relying on these two methods of marketing your business or services, then you stand high chances of being crushed by competition. For example the use of newspapers is shrinking because the circulation of newspapers is down. Few people are now reading newspapers unlike it used to be before. And this also the same with yellow pages ads where majority of customers have disconnected their landlines.

The Use of New Media

A large group of people young and old are currently using the internet to search for products and services they want. Research has shown that a large group of internet users is more than 50%. Few people are the ones who are still accessing yellow pages ads to make connections with those services like plumbing which are yet to make their presence online. These days’ people are accessing information by watching TVs’ and other devices electronically thus the number of those who are reading newspapers is low.


High Rates

Newspapers and yellow pages will charge advertisers highly for that small space that they will place their ads. For this reason, it means for anyone to have his ad published, he/she has to invest heavily so that their ads can be consistent and attracts traffic. Also newspaper ads do not have the same pool like they used to have some time back.

Some Industries have tipped

Industries like catering and travel no longer use yellow pages ads or newspaper ads to market their businesses because they will hardly find customers. They have resulted to use online tools that have enabled customers to access their services and they have engaged them as well. Like for those who are planning to wed, they will search on sites like Trip Advisor.com to see best catering services and where they will go for honeymoon.

Change in Generation

Although the generation that we have today impresses the use of technology, you also have to change your business and dental marketing structure in order to capitalize on this trend. If we can take a step back and look at the way newspapers were being sold in early and mid 90s and the way people were using yellow pages, no one would have thought that they would face stiff competition from modern media sources like now. This means if you are still relying on the use of newspaper ads and yellow pages to market your business, your ads are being seen by that generation that grew up in the era of newspaper innovation. Use that means that will target your audience.

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